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Duke came from a wealthy black family in Washington D.C. As a boy, he was a somewhat reluctant and lazy piano student, being more interested in sports. However, at aged 15, he heard a young man of his own age playing what he describes as "swinging piano" and this re-awoke his interest in the instrument. He prevailed upon his parents to buy him a player piano and through that medium was able to play along with piano rolls by the great black, jazz piano players like Fats Waller and James P. Johnson. Later, he came to realize that playing music was a great way to both earn a little money and gain the approbation of the female sex. So with some friends, he began a little band and began to play some small gigs in and around the D.C. area. The rest is history.

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Q: What motivated Duke Ellington to play jazz?
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What has the author Duke Ellington written?

Duke Ellington was a renowned composer, pianist, and big-band leader in the jazz genre, but he was not known for writing books or other written works. Ellington was primarily focused on creating and performing music throughout his career.

What syle of jazz did Duke Ellington play?

he played in rock jazz

What kind of instruments did Duke Ellington Play?

He wrote JAZZ Music but is known for Swing/Big Band

How was Duke Ellington different from most jazz artists who preceded him?

He could play 2 instruments and was a bandleader

Duke ellington was famous for playing what instrument?

Duke Ellington was famous because he was a famous jazz musician. He's one of the most best known of all jazz composers and band leaders. Ellington produced more than 1,500 musical works in his lifetime. In 1969, he was awarded the "Presidential Medal of Freedom."

What instrument did duke ellington play?

I think Duke just played the Piano What he played more instruments than that that's why he was a jazz playing legend.

What instrument did Duke Ellington play most often?

Duke Ellington most often played the piano.

What style of jazz did Duke Ellington play?

Swing so dance your heart out lol :)

Did Duke Ellington play the trumpet?

Duke Ellington was a Big Band orchestra leader and composer. His instrument was the piano.

What insturmant did Duke Ellington play?


Did Duke Ellington play an instrument or did he just sing?

Duke was an excellent pianist.

What instument did duke ellington play?

His instrument was the piano.