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The song Follow by Breaking Benjamin is about a person who can't see into the future and feels that he is not worthy, so he follows the straight path for as long as he can hoping that his fate will be revealed to him.

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Q: What kind of story does the song Follow by Breaking Benjamin tell?
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What kind of bender would ben burnley be from breaking Benjamin?

FIRE!!! he would be ten times hotter if he's a fire bender!!! that's definitely his element no doubt!...HELL YEAH!!! i love breaking Benjamin!

What is the meaning of the song 'Follow' by Breaking Benjamin?

Oh, dude, 'Follow' by Breaking Benjamin is all about, like, following someone who's leading you down a dark path. It's like, metaphorical and stuff, you know? The lyrics talk about being lost and needing guidance, but, like, in a rock song kind of way. So, yeah, that's the gist of it.

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A secular band. Although they may have christian influenced lyrics, it doesnt mean the entire song is christian based.

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Breaking Benjamin curses once, but uses the correct context, so I'm not sure if it can be counted as a curse word; kind of like saying that bad people go to hell, or a dog breeder referring to a female dog. In Give Me a Sign, he says the D-word, literally, "the shepherd of the damned".

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Oh, dude, Benjamin Burnley from Breaking Benjamin has said he had bronchitis and laryngitis, which are like the annoying cousins of lung infections. So, like, it's not the most hardcore lung infection out there, but it's still a bummer when you're a singer. Just imagine trying to hit those high notes with a scratchy throat.

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