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There are five key signatures with G sharp, they are:

A major/F♯ minor (3 sharps)

E major/ C♯ minor (4 sharps)

B major/G♯ minor (5 sharps)

F♯ major/D♯ minor (6 sharps)

C♯ major/A♯ minor (7 sharps)

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12y ago
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13y ago

A key that has the one sharp (F#) is G major. The relative of this key E minor

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13y ago

G+ or E- has F# as its key signature.

There are many other keys that have an F# in it as well. See 'related links' for more information.

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13y ago

D major has both c and f sharp only, but the key A major has F,C and G sharp. In this case I guss you mean D major

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14y ago

G Major

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Q: What key has only got F sharp in it?
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Why does F sharp does not have any flats?

F# is a sharp key. A key is either sharp, natural, or flat. Never all three or two. Only one.

What are ther sharps in the key of g?

G has only one sharp, which is F-sharp.

How many sharps does g major have in it's key signature?

The key of G Major has one sharp: F#

What is the Difference between d and g key?

The key of D has two sharps(F# and C#) and the key of G only has one sharp(F#)

How many sharps are in the key of f sharp?

None, only flats. B flat in F major, B, E, A, and D flat in F minor.

Which key has 6 sharps?

F# major. f sharp, c sharp, g sharp, d sharp, a sharp, e sharp

What key signature has g Sharpc sharp and f Sharp and the accidental is a Sharp?

A major, or F# minor

What key signature has g sharp f sharp and d sharp have?

The key with three sharps is A major, however A major uses C sharp - alongside with G sharp and F sharp - instead of D sharp.

Which key signature has d sharp g sharp and a sharp?

No key signatures contain only those three sharps. With the A-sharp, it could be the keys of B major, F-sharp major, or C-sharp major (or any of their relative minor keys).

What key signature has an F sharp?

Key of F#, key of B, key of E, key of A, key of D, and key of G

What key signature has A sharp and F sharp but also has E B and C?

B Major is the 1st major scale that CONTAINS A sharp and F sharp within its key signature but has a total of 5 sharps which are, F# C# G# D# A# F# Major also CONTAINS A sharp and F sharp within its key signature but has a total of 6 sharps which are, F# C# G# D# A# E# C# Major also CONTAINS A sharp and F sharp within its key signature but has a total of 7 sharps which are, F# C# G# D# A# E# B#

Which major has one sharp in violin?

The key of Gmajor has 1 sharp which is F sharp.