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She does too much coke and wants to keep them hidden behind sunglasses etc so that people won't notice she's off her face.

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Q: What is wrong with Lady Gagas eyes?
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What is lady gagas favorite hobby?

Reading. Drinking. That's it. WRONG Singing.writing songs, singing, playing the piano, dancing

What color are Lady Gagas eyes?

Something between blue and green... In Poker Face they looked green.

Is lady gagas dad Italian?


Who is lady gagas bf?

At the moment, nobody.

Who is not a fan of lady gagas wardobe?

Her Drycleaner

Related questions

What colour r Lady Gagas eyes?

they are greenish grey

What is Lady Gaga first song written?

Lady GaGas first song is called Brown eyes its a very good song

How were Lady Gagas eyes so big?

The people who directed it probably put fake eyes on her or they probably have stuff in the computer to make her eyes look big.

What is Lady Gagas naturel hair colour?

Lady GaGas hair is naturally brown, as she is an american-italian.

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What is lady gagas favorite hobby?

Reading. Drinking. That's it. WRONG Singing.writing songs, singing, playing the piano, dancing

Is lady gagas dad Italian?


What is Lady Gagas religoin?

she is Catholic

What is lady gagas nationalaty?


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