130, 949 words
Page count is not a unique number for a book. It depends on font size, language, page size, line spacing and other factors. A brief survey of various editions indicated a page count of between 214 and 277.This is why secret messages in spy shotes where the words are found by reference to page, line and word count are specific to an identified edition by a certain printer.
too many to count.....a lot..........so much it can make you dizzy and may cause seisures......jk!
unless you count sexy lady a bad word then i think you should be good. Im not sure because its in Japanese or something.
The word "narrative" is used as a noun. "The author had his assistant read a narrative from his book." It is a passage or a tale, a story.My personal narrative is 3 pages long.
280,712 is the word count in Paolini's book, Inheritance. :) Pretty HUGE if you ask me
There is no word "ramona" . It's a girl's name i suppose.
Word Count: 100,269
The word count for the book "Life of Pi" is approximately 122,000 words.
The average word count in Agatha Christie's books is around 65,000 words per book. However, this can vary based on the specific title and genre of the book.
it does count as a word.... HA CONOR IT IS A WORD
try to google it, or amazon.com might have it. go to http://www.wordcounttool.com/
A typical Hebrew book has about 200 words per page.
yes it does count as a word............ <|:P
The root word for discount is "count," which comes from the Latin word "computare" meaning "to count."
In word count calculations for novels, both "a" and "the" count as one word. Each word, regardless of its length or commonality, is counted as one towards the total word count.
In the king James version * The word James is mentioned 42 times That does not count the word appearing in the name of the Book of James