I got one for FREE and now giving it away for FREE. Not worth anything. Decent shape, but not worth anything. Some says if it's vintage, it maybe worth something but it's your choice to get it appraised it not. If yours is basic like mines, I would definitely not.
what is the value of a wurlitzer piano serial# 155007 model 2725
what is size and value of Wurlitzer baby grand, model 158c, serial 1588998
model 2745 serial 1801792
your Piano is between the 1950s-1960s
what is the value of a wurlitzer piano serial# 155007 model 2725
what is size and value of Wurlitzer baby grand, model 158c, serial 1588998
how much is a wurlitzer piano model 493317 worth
model 2745 serial 1801792
The weight of a Wurlitzer EP200 electric piano is approximately 150 pounds.
What is the value of Wurlitzer piano #470126
your Piano is between the 1950s-1960s
Wurlitzer pianos typically sell for under $300.
i have one willing to sell for 600 with huge many rolls
Wurlitzer pianos typically sell for under $300.
Wurlitzer pianos typically sell for under $300.