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Q: What is the turm AR mean in the music world?
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Music is a cure for the broken soul.

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In Islam what does ar rahman mean?

Ar Rahman means The Compassionate, The Beneficent, The One who has plenty of mercy for the believers and the blasphemers in this world and especially for the believers in the hereafter. Ar rahim means the Merciful

Which movie marked the debut of AR RAHMAN as a music director?

Yodha was the first debut movie by ar rahman as a music director. Roja was his first movie in Tamil as a music director

How did AR Rahman got into music?

by the Oscars

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indira,music by ar rahman

What does 'ar grá' mean in Gaelic?

Ar = 'on'; grá = 'love'. It would be 'ar ghrá' in any case.

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What does AR mean in a payroll deduction

What does ar do breithla mean in English?

"ar do bhreithlá" means "on your birthday"

What does ar scor mean in Irish?

"ar scor" means "retired"

What was the debut Tamil film of AR Rahman as music director?
