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Q: What is the name of the song where there is a guitar solo intro then the guy says and i scream in a screamo voice?
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What does the intro to The Voice say?

the voice

What is a good song for a boy whos voice is breaking?

Baby by Justin Bieber. LOL JK. Same, i suggest rap. I frickin hate rap but its easiest. Or screamo. I enjoy screamo and you cant really tell when the voice cracks.

Can doing screamo affect your voice?

It does not ruin your voice, when done properly. You are supposed to use your diaphragm when screaming, not your throat. To use your diaphragm, when you breath in your stomach area grows larger, not your upper chest area. If you use your throat, it will result in callousing your vocal chords and you will lose your voice. If done correctly, it will have no effect on you whatsoever.

What is a sentence containing an active verb A The silence is shattered by a scream B A scream shattered the silence C By a scream the silence was shattered?

What is a sentence containing an active verbA The silence is shattered by a scream = Passive voice; uses telltale "by" and form of "to be" (is)B A scream shattered the silence = Active voice; the scream does something.C By a scream the silence was shattered = = Passive voice; uses telltale "by" and form of "to be" (was).

Why the dog scream?

the dog can't scream. because they don't have voice box.

Do screamo damage your voice?

Any amount of loud screaming can cause damage to your vocal chords.

Whose voice is the intro to poker after dark?

Doyle Brunson

Who does the tosh.0 intro voice over?

Lindsey Lohan

How do girls screamo sing?

The same way guys do, PRACTICE.You'll also want to practice making growls from the back of your throat (softer at first)Drink WATER not milk. If you need something to clog your throat to make more of a raspy voice, just use saliva :)Don't stress it, you can really hurt your voice if you scream wrong.Practice breathing from your diaphragm (your chest/stomach) not your throat.If it doesn't hurt, you're doing it right XD

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How do you lose your voice in a day?

scream for 2 min.

How does your voice break?

When you scream or yell really loud.