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the song is About a Boy and a girl in a relation ship that isnt going to well. the boy takes the girl to a dance and just wants them to have a good time a dance. the girl had cheated on the guy in the past and he knows about it. later into the dance, the guy notices the girl is putting any effort into the dancing, is not having a good time and is paying more attention to another guy. the boy says "why dont you show me a little bit a spite you've been saving for his matress?"

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Q: What is the meaning of the song dance dance by Fall Out Boy?
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My dance teacher has the song. I love it! He won't reveal his sources though. I'll try to get it out of him. He also has the instrumental of dance dance by fall out boy. They're amazing. Get back to you soon

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check youtube

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Both Dance, Dance and A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More Touch Me were released in 2006, but Dance Dance was really their break through hit. For me, anyway.

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Where did Fall Out Boy film their music video Dance Dance?

They filmed it in New York and Fall out Boy fans were invited to be in the video as members of the crowd :)

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What was Fall Out Boy's first hit single to hit the radio?

Dont know the first song they wrote but their first studio album was Fall Out Boys evening out with your Girlfriend which was originally recorded in....2001? and released on 2005 with theyre growing popularity

When did Fall Out Boy release Dance Dance?

They released it in late 2005. It was released as their second single from their third album. The song peaked at number 9 on the US Billboard's Hot 100.

How hard are they drums to dance dance by Fall Out Boy?

depends on how good you are really