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Still seemingly relevant, this song captures the true essence of Earth's problems with violence.

Using Saturn as the home base for newly found peace, Stevie uses creative imagery to describe Saturn as a place of escape.

Leaving behind a world of hatred, Stevie uses strong lyrics to describe the wrong doings of people on Earth. Topics including war, unnecessary violence, and even calling out the acts of hypocrisy in religion.

By todays standards I'd say these values of selfishness are strong in the hearts of many, carving Stevie Wonder into the stone of song writing timelessness. Though generally not a song to be found on a greatest hits album of his, it only goes to show his true intelligence outside of music.

By the looks of things, this outer galactic anthem for world peace will ironically be overshadowed during the potential times of survival ahead of us. Still to this day we can only make attempts at gathering peace entirely, and for 1975 this heart melting melody was one attempt that captured anyone with open ears.

Who knows, maybe the future shall bring a planet of peace and happiness..? Saturn and even the album "Songs in the Key of Life" in its entirety will then hold even more value for being that much more ahead of its time.

If you or anyone of the human race lives to the age of 205 with the ability to fly: Hopefully it will be the result of a future peaceful atmosphere, rather than the effects of man made meds of the future.

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