its about a guy who makes a mistake and he has an understanding with his woman that they are OK when really they ain't. and he's trying to get through to her and make things better but he can't and he describes it like moving a mountain because he's finding it so hard
One may find the complete lyrics to Usher's song Moving Mountains on Metro Lyrics. Also, Song Meanings is a site that allows members to discuss the meaning of the lyrics.
Moving Mountains - song - was created on 2008-05-23.
In the song, Usher is telling his girlfriend that he cannot be with her because she reminds him of an old girlfriend that dumped him when he really loved her and it is too painful to be around her.
its called 'yeah' by usher or papers
Usher's most famous song is Yeah
One may find the complete lyrics to Usher's song Moving Mountains on Metro Lyrics. Also, Song Meanings is a site that allows members to discuss the meaning of the lyrics.
Moving Mountains - song - was created on 2008-05-23.
but like whats the meaning of this song
When Justin Bieber first met Usher he preformed the song U got it bad by Usher. He had a lot of nerve to sing Usher his own song!
In the song, Usher is telling his girlfriend that he cannot be with her because she reminds him of an old girlfriend that dumped him when he really loved her and it is too painful to be around her.
its called 'yeah' by usher or papers
Burn - Usher song - was created on 2004-03-21.
Usher's most famous song is Yeah
usher usher
Usher's song "Love in this club" is about Usher being in a club/bar. Usher is attracted to some female who he wants to have sexual relations in the club/bar with.
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