Jesus is our rock and has been forever. so when we get down and out and we feel like life is just not treating us right all we have to so is pray and Jesus will lift us up and that lift our spirits.
There is a song by Neil Diamond with the title "Down by the River" but it is not a gospel song. However there is the song "Down in the river to pray" by Alison Krauss which was in the movie "Oh brother where art thou". The related links below will show you the lyrics.
Elvis had MANY favorite Gospel Songs but one that he loved to perform onstage was "How Great Thou Art". One that he loved to "warm up to" (i.e. before performing onstage) was "I John".
"Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" has the line "Here I raise my Ebenezer." It's a hymn, not a gospel song. You can see the lyrics at the link below. "Eben-ezer" means "stone of help." Samuel raised a large stone as a memorial to the help he had received from God. There is more information linked below.
The song you are looking for I think is "Down to the valley to Pray" a traditional gospel/spiritual song. Alison Krauss recorded it for the movie "O Brother Where Art Thou" changing the words to "Down to the River to Pray". Both versions can be viewed on You Tube.
How Great Thou Art
There is a song by Neil Diamond with the title "Down by the River" but it is not a gospel song. However there is the song "Down in the river to pray" by Alison Krauss which was in the movie "Oh brother where art thou". The related links below will show you the lyrics.
Elvis had MANY favorite Gospel Songs but one that he loved to perform onstage was "How Great Thou Art". One that he loved to "warm up to" (i.e. before performing onstage) was "I John".
"Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" has the line "Here I raise my Ebenezer." It's a hymn, not a gospel song. You can see the lyrics at the link below. "Eben-ezer" means "stone of help." Samuel raised a large stone as a memorial to the help he had received from God. There is more information linked below.
The meaning of "Do as thou wilt" is that you should do as the heart pleases you.
The song you are looking for I think is "Down to the valley to Pray" a traditional gospel/spiritual song. Alison Krauss recorded it for the movie "O Brother Where Art Thou" changing the words to "Down to the River to Pray". Both versions can be viewed on You Tube.
To thrive; to prosper., The objective case of thou. See Thou.
"How Great Thou Art"
It is a Welsh hymn and it translates as Thou gravest or Thou has given
Be Thou my Vision
How Great Thou Art
To thrive; to prosper., The objective case of thou. See Thou.