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This is me and my boyfriends song. It's really cute. I think it's saying that he is in love with her. and he thinks about her all the time. and he's always worried he said or did the wrong thing. and so he wants to make sure his love is thinking about him to. He wonders if shes dreaming about him... because she is all he dreams about. He's "100 miles" from home. and he misses her and he cant believe "she actually picked him" and misses her a lot and is making sure she's not running off with some othr guy. My favorite verse is "i thought the world had lost it's sway. Until i fell in love with you." ha my boyfriend says that to me all the time. Well hope that helped. IT'S MY FAV SONG!!! LOVE YOU BABY YOUR MY FOREVER AND ALWAYS!!!!!

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13y ago
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14y ago

the song calling you is about a guy that is far away from his home and his child is there and he calls his daughter a lot to see how she is doing and what she is thinking about and if she is okay. that shows how much he can love her!

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10y ago

So after doing a fair amount of research on this myself, and not being able to find any solid info (aside from random forum people talking about how its a love song, and if you read the lyrics, that's not even in the ball park). I could be wrong, but from what I've found it appears to be about being fed up with a relationship, whether it be girlfriend or just friend going through an emotional time is uncertain, and he is talking about how he can no longer take the insults, emotional duress, fights, and general treatment he is receiving from this girl. This song is him finally standing up and saying, this is over.

In the summer of 2004 Justin went on a cruise by himself. He hated it. One day on the boat he was standing on the bow looking at the water and was thinking about jumping off. This inspired him to write a song about a man who had been sad for a long time and went on a cruise and decided to commit suicide by jumping off. As soon as he hit the water, he realized everything he had to live for and no longer wanted to die. The fall did not kill him, but now he is miles from land and has to swim back to shore with his newfound drive to live.

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