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2112 by Rush is up on YouTube as a Karaoke track and clocks in at over 20 minutes, about twice as long as Bat Out of Hell. It is on an album of the same name but which also has other songs on it apart from 2112 itself. There are quite a few other rock and metal tracks (esp. prog that are between the ten and twenty marks.)

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11y ago

Bat Out Of Hell by Meat Loaf at 10:03 (

After hosting karaoke for 23 years, this is the longest version of a song that I've encountered....and NO, it's NOT in my book! LOL

FYI - karaoke tracks can differ dramatically from the original song in length, so don't listen to all these clueless morons yammering on about American Pie, Paradise By The Dashboard Light, In-A-Gadda-Da Vida and Alice's Restaurant.

Most people just Google "longest songs", then to see if they're available on karaoke, assuming they're full length. NOT!

For example: in the land of karaoke, In-A-Gadda-Da Vida is 2:50, and Alice's Restaurant is 3:32. And yeah....Paradise BTDL is a lengthy 8:25-8:45 (depending on manufacturer), but it doesn't even come close to Song Out Of Hell at 10:05.

(NOTE: The more popularly used Music Maestro version of Bat Out Of Hell is about half the length of the original)

And if you're looking for runner ups, instead of knee-jerking straight to other Meat Loaf songs, consider Sound Choice's Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd at 9:47, or check out some of the Metallica tracks on Legends.

Happy Singing from!

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