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If you want to play just riffs, then play the songs you want. There are a lot of easy metal riffs. However, I've compiled a list of easy metal songs with easy solos (or without) not for you, but for my band who hardly want to play any metal, but I don't wanna give up. But I digress.

Almost anything by Black Sabbath and anything by Rammstein

Megadeth - She-Wolf

Metallica - For Whom the Bell Tolls, Until It Sleeps, Fuel

Judas Priest - Living after Midnight, Breaking the Law, Diamonds and Rust, The Ripper, Better by You, Better than Me

Iced Earth - I Died for You, Ten Thousand Strong

Accept - Head over Heels

Saxon - Princess of the Night

Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden, Como Estais Amigos, Wasted Love, Twilight Zone

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

erm learn, wonderwall by oasis. i got a feeling by black eyed peas. when you get better learn califirnication by red hot chilli peppers. dont forget to learn and practice chords and changing between chords. and as an exorscise, play each finger to a frett and play up and the guitar neck as fast as you can.


i got a feeling:

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βˆ™ 13y ago

hey I'm a novice too and unlike some my taste in metal edges towards death metal which is really heavy but I found some close songs to substitue for while I can't play those breakneck paced songs.

okay believe it or not though some songs are harder than others that's not the only thing that efects dificulty it's the tabs people can tab things diferantly just by using notes that fit diferantly so the same aparently easy songs can have one set of tabs done by one guy which seems impossible while the other is like playing happy birthday here's some links to some easy metal tabs that I played or have this will take you to the song tabbs with an option to listn to the version of the song you are playing none of these should be too hard I can play the lot and I suck.

song...........................artist ................comment

prayer of the refugge..... rise against .......not the heaviest but good enough


song ....................artist .................comment

Nymphetamine.......cradle of filth....... this is better cradle of filth death metal


song ............artist .......comment

Monster ........skillet ........not ultra heavy but nice non the less you'll be playing slayer tracks in ya sleep before you know it


ok closing words forget all the daunting symbols, sliding, and stuff like that in prayer of the refugee and don't play the solo as chords if it looks to hard just play the bit play on the third string.

I know nymphetamine looks hard the hardest bit is probabbly the chorus the tabs look very daunting and complex but just forget about the symbols and read the carefully it'll be a piece of cake yet people will think your a genius.

lastly I learnt monstor in a day, as I said if you are just over beginer level these should be fine for you if you get stuck examine the tabs carefully and find out where they are on the track then slow it down play it how you can if you want just forget beat and play the notes one after the other.

sieriously if you want tabs use that site use advanced search and you can pick dificulty tuning and tab type you may even want it in chord glad to help another one it's not metal search

what I've done

as a novice song there is one and it is queite good also

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Pretty much every Rammstein song. I didn't like the band in the beggining, because I din't know the band. If you don't know the band listen Mutter; Reise, reise; Du Hast; Amerika; Los; Haifisch; Du Riescht So Gut and Waidmanns Heil. Then you can play Engel (one riff song); Reise, Reise (two riffs song); Haifisch (Really easy); Ein Lied (Acoustic); Ich Will (Awesome to play on a electric guitar). Then you can play Metallica - For Whom the Bell Tolls; Lordi - Hard Rock Hallelujah; Ministry - Stigmata (one riff song); and Motley Crue - Too Young to fall in love (a little bit harder but awesome song). I think that's it :)

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βˆ™ 14y ago

one of the hardest song to play on guitar is stabwound by necrophagist!

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