Marvin's height is 6ft
Aston is 5'5
oristes height is 5'10
Jb's is 5'7
The Members in JLS are: Aston Ian Merrygold Marvin Humes Oritse Williams Jonathan Benjamin Gill are the members of the band callled JLS.
Jls jls jls jls jls jls jls
The members of the band JLS are:Aston MerrygoldMarvin HumesJonathan "JB" GillOritsé Williams
it stands for just love singing, No it doesn't if u werw a real JLS fan u would know
There are four members in the all boy band JLS (Jack the Lad Swing). Aston Merrygold (Blue) Marvin Humes (Green) JB (Johnathan) Gill (Yellow) AND Oritse Williams (Red)
The Members in JLS are: Aston Ian Merrygold Marvin Humes Oritse Williams Jonathan Benjamin Gill are the members of the band callled JLS.
there is 4 jls members in the band
These are band members of JLS, but JLS aren't found in Moshi Monsters.
Aston is 23 years old
Aston MerrygoldMarvin Humes.JB GillOrtise Williams
aston marvin jb oritse
jb was a hair dresser
Jls jls jls jls jls jls jls
The members of the band JLS are:Aston MerrygoldMarvin HumesJonathan "JB" GillOritsé Williams
it stands for just love singing, No it doesn't if u werw a real JLS fan u would know
jls- boy band no there not
There are four members in the all boy band JLS (Jack the Lad Swing). Aston Merrygold (Blue) Marvin Humes (Green) JB (Johnathan) Gill (Yellow) AND Oritse Williams (Red)