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the end of the arrow with the nock

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Q: What is the end of the arrow with the nock in archery?
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In archery the section of a bow or arrow carrying the bowstring?

It is the nock

What is the part of the compound bow string called where the knock rests?

The point on the string where the arrow knock (or nock) comes into contact with the string is called the "Knock Point" or "Nock Point" Nice site for archery terms...

Is nock a word?

Yes. A nock is a metal or plastic piece at the end of an arrow, having a notch for the bowstring = noun.

What do you call putting the arrow in place on a bow?

The word is nock. The nock (noun) is the notch in the end of an arrow. To nock (verb) means to place an arrow on the bowstringinpreparation for shooting.

A Basic Guide To Archery?

Originally used for hunting and wars, archery has been around for many centuries. With the creation of firearms, however, today's archery is mainly a sport. Archery involves the use of a bow, an arrow and a bow string. Arrows are long shafts with a fletching and nock in the back and an arrowhead in the front.

How do you write own sentence with nock?

A nock (with no K) is the groove at the back of an arrow. The bowstring fits into that groove. I could not shoot the arrow, since the nock had broken, and the bowstring would slip.

What is flecthing for?

If you mean "fletching" it's the feathers on the rear end of an arrow in archery.

What is the tip of the arrow called?

That depends on which end: the plastic thing where your fletchings are is called a nock. The front piece where you put the tip on is a arrowhead or point.

What are the parts of an arrow?

Fletching Nock Shaft Point

How do you nock a bow?

generally nock an arrow on the string around 3/16" above centre and see how it flies adjust accordingly

Where does the bow meet the arrow?

i believe it's called the "nock".

What is an arrow groove?

It is called a Nock or in old English Nocke