1. Tonic
2. Super tonic
3. Mediant
4. Sub-dominant
5. Dominant
6. Sub-mediant
7. Leading note
8. Tonic
A scale with eight notes s called an octatonic scale, the term "oct" means eight.
It is known as an Octave (a musical scale of eight notes).
There is no record of octitonic voice. An octatonic scale is any eight-note musical scale.
The tonic note of any diatonic scale is the first note (starting note) of the scale. In the case of G-flat major the tonic note is G-flat!
A scale with eight notes s called an octatonic scale, the term "oct" means eight.
Any major or minor scale with eight notes starting on Do (the tonic note).
It is known as an Octave (a musical scale of eight notes).
The fifth note of C major scale is G. The fifth note of any scale is always called the dominant.
The third note in a major or minor scale is called a mediant.
There is no record of octitonic voice. An octatonic scale is any eight-note musical scale.
There is no record of octitonic voice. An octatonic scale is any eight-note musical scale.
The tonic note of any diatonic scale is the first note (starting note) of the scale. In the case of G-flat major the tonic note is G-flat!
pentatonic scale
pentatonic scale