A single horn has one set of tubing, tuned in F, with three valves. A double horn has two sets of tubing, one in F and one in B-flat, with a thumb trigger that directs air to the B-flat side when pressed.
The single horn is a common beginning instrument, and band horn music is frequently in the key of F. However, the double horn makes it easier to play higher notes, which some players will encounter by middle school. The double or triple horn (with a third set of tubing for E-flat) are standard for orchestras.
The instruments play different due to the different valve setup, so research and try out both types before considering purchasing one.
clarinet is a single reed instrument and the oboe is a double reed, that is really the only difference
There is the French Horn and a Bb Horn.
A single reed instruments makes noise by vibrating the reed against the mouthpiece, a double reed instruments makes its noice by 2 reeds vibrating together. Happy Playing! musictheory1@hotmail.com
A single sound track only has one song on it and a sound track has many
I think you are referring to the Bb clarinet which is single but there are acually 3 different types of clarinets. Bb=single Oboe=double Alto=single
difference between single layer and double winding
screw thread are single threads which means they are not double
in programming, single quotes are for characters, and double quotes are for string, but in php, javascript, html, css i don't see any difference between the two.
the difference is that DNA is a double helix and RNA is a single chain
single destroys the brain and double destroys the spinal cord or central nervous system
A twin bedroom has two single beds, a double bedroom has a double bed!
There isn't an immediate difference in comfort between a single and double pillow top, but you are able to flip double pillow top mattresses. This can make it more comfortable in the long run and may help it last longer. Double pillow tops do tend to be more expensive than single ones.
clarinet is a single reed instrument and the oboe is a double reed, that is really the only difference
Double lens goggles don't fog up as easily and are more durable than single lens.
A single vent is down the middle A double vent has a vent near the sides
Single Strength Glass is 3/32" thickness and Double Strength Glass is 1/8" thickness.