Franchisee is the middle man between principle and retail customer C and F agent is the middleman between principle and wholesailer
what is the difference between classical
There is no difference
their difference is their plated ligature>.<
It is the same as the difference between a blue square and a square.
Vendor -Supplier of the product Manufacturer- developer of the product
Explain the difference between share of customer and customer equity
A vendor sells to a company; a buyer buys things from a company.
•difference between service and delight
The difference between total customer value and total customer cost is__________.
stakeholder customer
You cannot change an account type from customer to vendor. You need to create a new vendor using a slightly different name than the one you use for the customer account.
Difference between Customer Service Standards and Policies and Procedures
the banker is the banker while the customer is the customer
CRM=Customer Relationship Management is software that is between the vendor and the customer. It helps a business grow by increasing profits and customer satisfaction.
Supplier supplies product to the customer and the customer buys the product
A client is a person to whom, or a business to which, someone supplies a service. A vendor is someone who, or a business which, offers something for sale.