1 liter =61.023744 cubic inch 4.6 x 61.023744 =280.709 cubic inch 280ci for short
No it is to big of a cubic inch. But if you have time you can but you would have to redue the main frame and the engine mount.
answer: he digs 960.17 inch!
Six Inch Nails Records was created in 2009.
Close toed shoes with an inch to an inch and a half heel.
292.913972 cubic inches ==
That is 364 CID / cubic inch displacement. 6.0L engine.
3.8 liter = 231.89 cubic inches
360 cubic inch ( for the 5.9 liter V8 engine )
Around 238 cubic inches
Around 466 cubic inches
About 329 cubic inches.
363 cubic inches
1 Liter = 61.023744 cu. in.; 4.3 Liters = 262.40209 cu in.
378 cubic inches.
I believe that is 200 cubic inches
330 cubic inches