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I would use CPT 58600

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Q: What is the cpt code for reversal of tubal ligation occlusion?
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How much does tubal ligation costs?

Tubal ligation reversal costs can range from $5,000 to $15,000 depending upon the type of surgery required. Your cost may include separate charges for the surgery, anesthesia, and the hospital or surgical center. Most insurance plans won't cover this procedure so look for ways to cut costs using the tax code, or by purchasing supplemental insurance to cover your pregnancy.

How much does tubal ligation reversal cost?

I have also wondered this. I had a tubal in 2005 and have sometimes regretted it. I have looked on the web and have not found anything about free tubal reversals. I hope you find one and if not maybe God will take matters into his own hands and give you a child. Good luck.

What is the proper ICD-9 procedure code for tubal ligation?

V25.2 is a diagnosis code, not a procedure code. Sterilization for females are found under codes 66.2x and 66.3x, for males 63.7x (per Faye Brown 2009).

What is the proper ICD 9 procedure code for tubal ligation?

V25.2 is a diagnosis code, not a procedure code. Sterilization for females are found under codes 66.2x and 66.3x, for males 63.7x (per Faye Brown 2009).

What cpt code is laparoscopic tubal ligation?

The answer is 58670 or 58671, unless done at the same time as a c-section or other intra-abdominal procedure. In that case it would be 58611, along with the primary CPT code performed.

What is the procedure code for pomeroy bilateral tubal ligation?

Complete Cesarean delivery code is 59510,this includes: routine ob care, antepartum care, the C-section and postpartum care. The code for the bilateral tubal ligation is 58611. This is the ligation or transection of fallopian tubes (s) when done at the time of c-section delivery (not a separate procedure).

CPT code for repeat low transverse cervical segment cesarean section?

The ICD-9-CM code for repeat low transverse cervical segment cesarean is 654.21. The ICD-9-CM code for postpartum tubal ligation is V25.2.

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procedure code for reversal of urethral anastomosis

What is the CPT code for reversal of urethral anastomosis?

procedure code for reversal of urethral anastomosis