A tech fresh out of college can make an average of $16.00 an hour at a big hospital. Working night shifts will get you around an extrea $4.00 an hour and working weekends can get you $4.00 more an hour. So if you work a Saturday night as a tech you could make around $24 an hour
In Sarasota, Florida, a radiology tech earns between $48,800. The median salary in Sarasota, Florida for a radiology tech with 2 years experience is $55,200.
Limited Scope X Ray Technician in your area makes on average $46,292 per year, or $1,071 (2%) more than the national average annual salary of $45,221.
Radiologist make anywhere from $150,000 to $500,000 per year.
A starting tech should see a starting salaray from 18 to 22 dollars an hour depending on where you work
The highest paid radiology tech jobs are found in California. The national average of salaries for radiology techs is $56,000. These same jobs pay $86,000 in California.
The average salary for a radiology technician in Louisiana is around $55,000 per year. Salary can vary based on experience, location, and employer.
How much money a radiology tech can make in Orlando, FL depends on their qualifications and experience. The annual salary for such a position is between 24,000 and 350,000 US dollars.
The average yearly salary for an M.R.I. technician in the United States is $65,915. This will of course vary by specific area and your experience level.
In the state of Georgia, the average salary for a radiology technician is $50000 per year. If your daughter has a good job at Northside Hospital, she can get up to $70000 per year.
The minimum hourly and yearly Ekg Tech Salary is $9.73/hour and $20,431/year and the overtimes ... The average salary paid to this tech is $24,000 annually.
Depending on where you live, salary for a radiology technition ranges from $30,000 to $85,000 a year, depending on your experience and therefore where you would fall on the payscale.
In Sarasota, Florida, a radiology tech earns between $48,800. The median salary in Sarasota, Florida for a radiology tech with 2 years experience is $55,200.
Limited Scope X Ray Technician in your area makes on average $46,292 per year, or $1,071 (2%) more than the national average annual salary of $45,221.
A radiology technician normally makes more than a surgical tech. The average yearly earnings of a radiologic tech is around $56,000 while a surgical tech averages $41,000 a year.
The average radiologic technologist salary in the United States is around $62,000 per year. Salaries can vary based on factors such as location, experience, and type of facility.
The average yearly salary for a veterinary technician in Dayton, Ohio is $31,000. The average annual salary for this position in Boston, MA is $36,000.
An ultrasound technician in Oklahoma makes an average yearly salary of $21,000. A technician's salary can vary depending on location and experience.