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Q: What is the age of Katy Perry's fan base?
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What was Katy Perrys original hair colour?

It was blonde-- hard to believe, but if you are a big Katy perry fan, you would know. She dyed it black when she moved to L.A. when she was 17.

Who is Katy perry's favorite person?

her faverite actor is careron diaz :)

What is a katycat fan?

A KatyCat is a very big Katy Perry Fan A Katy Perry fan likes Katy A KatieCat Fan is a person who thinks they like Katy but they don't!

What is Katy Perrys biggest fear?

It's death, because she has no control over it.

How do you do fan email to Katy Perry?

katy perry

Who is a Katy Perry fan?


Is Katy Perry a twilight fan?

=No she is not a twilight fan=

How many Katy Perry fan are there?

there are 19 million fans of katy perry

Who is better katy perry or ladygaga?

Katy Perry and Lady Gaga both have huge fan bases. The better one will really depend on what fan you ask.

Does Katy Perry have a facebook account?

She has a fan page