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Chelsea Dagger - The Fratellis


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Q: What is the Nottingham Panther's goal music?
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Related questions

When was Nottingham Panthers created?

Nottingham Panthers was created in 1946.

From which state are the Nottingham panthers?

Nottinghamshire IDIOT!!!!!!

Who is the bench manerger of the Nottingham panthers?

Rick stracken

What is the Nottingham panthers song called?

Apollo 440 - Krupa

In what year was the Nottingham Panthers founded?

"The Nottingham Panthers were founded in the year of 1946, nine-teen forty-six. They are a professional hockey club (British). There are books about them in Barnes and Nobles or Amazon and Ebay."

What year was the Nottingham Ice Arena opened?

The year that the Nottingham Ice Arena was opened in 1939. It is home to the Nottingham Panthers hockey team whom started playing in 1946. The centre is located in the Midlands, UK.

Who is the goal keeper for Nottingham forest football team?

Karl darlow

Who scored Nottingham forest first premier goal?

Teddy Sheringham v Liverpool

How many Super Bowls did the patriots win by a field goal?

The Patriots won all 3 of their Super Bowls against the Rams, Panthers and Eagles by a 3 point margin (the point value of a field goal), but only their wins against the Rams and Panthers had the field goal be the game winner.

Who won the first ever premiership match?

Nottingham Forrest beat Liverpool 1-0 thanks to a goal from Teddy Sheringham Nottingham Forrest beat Liverpool 1-0 thanks to a goal from Teddy Sheringham

What key players play on the Nottingham Panthers?

"The top British players are Danny Meyers, Marc Levers and David Clarke. There was much applause on the announcement of the return of these great players."

Who scored 1000th premier league goal?

Blakburn Rovers' Mike Newell against Nottingham Forest on 7 April 1993.