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Pa pa americano

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Q: What is the Italian pop song that has the word americano?
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Name of Italian pop song - one word title Begins with a Q - something like quanto?

"Quando, Quando, Quando" I think.

What song Pop Song has the word Remedy in it?

Remedy-Kings of Leon, I suppose it's not pop but it's the only one I can him of x x

What 1975 pop song has the word misconstrued in the lyrics?

50 Ways To Leave Your Lover

What was the name of a pop song with only one word in it?

don't fame groovin jean

What song was written about three years ago and about Indians and was on rock stations pop song I think the band or song had the word Knights in it?

knights of sindodia

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Name of Italian pop song - one word title Begins with a Q - something like quanto?

"Quando, Quando, Quando" I think.

What song Pop Song has the word Remedy in it?

Remedy-Kings of Leon, I suppose it's not pop but it's the only one I can him of x x

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Percy's favourite music is pop and r&b.

What 1975 pop song has the word misconstrued in the lyrics?

50 Ways To Leave Your Lover

What was the name of a pop song with only one word in it?

don't fame groovin jean

What was the name of the song that the band played at Michael Corleone's communion The man requested some Italian music to be played?

Pop Goes the Weasel

What song was written about three years ago and about Indians and was on rock stations pop song I think the band or song had the word Knights in it?

knights of sindodia

How do you say pop in Italian?

pop music it is the same, literally pop = schiocco

Is thriller a pop song?

Thriller is a pop/rock song. At times the song changes from pop to rock, to be fair if you told anyone pop they won't say it isn't.

When was Pop - song - created?

Pop - song - was created in 2001-02.

What is 'I really love you' when translated from English to Italian?

Ti amo veramente! is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "I really love you!" The phrase most famously references a song by the Italian pop band Modà of Milan. The pronunciation will be "tee A-mo VEY-ra-MEN-tey" in Italian.

Is Our Song a pop song?

sort-of. its country-pop, by most people's standards.