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That would be note B first octave.

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Q: What is the 3RD line on a treble staff?
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Which staff is g on the second line?

Treble Clef

What is the name of the single note that connects the treble clef to the bass clef?

Middle C, which is one ledger line below the treble staff, and one ledger line above the bass staff.

What is line number 5 on the musical staff?

It depends which staff it is. If it is the treble cleff (staff) the answer is E, if it is the Bass cleff, the answer is G.

What can the treble clef and base clef be joined by?

A low C on the treble clef (on the first leger line below the staff) joins with a high C on the Bass clef (the first leger line above the staff)

Where would you use or find a treble clef?

On a staff line with 5 lines

What is the bass and treble staffs connected by a brace and a bar line in music?

The grand staff consists of a treble stave and a bass stave. They are connected by a vertical line creating a "system". The presence of this vertical line signifies that the two staves (treble and bass) are to be played at the same time.

Is the treble clef the heighest picth on the staff?

The treble clef is a staff. But it is the hightest staff, yes.

Notes that extend above or below the staff use what line?

There are two most commonly used staffs. These are called the treble staff (the higher staff with the swirly, twirly symbol), and the bass staff (the lower staff with a not so swirly symbol). The treble and bass staff have five lines and each. There are four spaces between these lines. The treble staff has names as follows... _____ F(line) E(space) _____ D(line) C(space) _____ B(line) A(space) _____ G(line) F(space) _____ E(line) The bass staff has names as follows... _____ A(line) G(space) _____ F(line) E(space) _____ D(line) C(space) _____ B(line) A(space) _____ G(line) I'm sorry if this looks confusing, but it is hard to show without images.

Is a treble clef line and a bass clef line joined together form what is called a Grand Staff?


What notes are on the ledger lines above the treble clef star?

The first ledger line above the treble staff is A, followed by C, then E, and so on.

What is the 4 space of the treble clef staff?

The 4th space on the treble staff is E.

What is the staff on which G is the second line?

Treble Clef