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WARC stands for World Administrative Radio Conference which is organised by the International Telecommunications Union. The conference sets up international agreements on the use of radio frequency bands.

One advantage of the 1979 conference was the allocation of new frequency bands for amateur radio use on HF. These bands are 30m, 17m & 12m and are generally referred to as the WARC bands.

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Q: What is meant by WARC in Amateur Radio use?
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What does phone mean in amateur radio?

Radiotelephone- that is voice talking ( called Phone for short) . The term , with the advent of cellular phones, which are in a very real sense radiophones- has engendered some confusion. Before their advent (Phone) in Amateur Radio use meant voice conversation- called Radiotelephone. The other major transmission mode was of course CW- Continuous Wave- that is, Code transmission- or radiotelegraphy. As of now, there are, of course , different types of licenses for Phone, and Code transmission. Prior to l992 there was an arbitrary Code test for ALL prospective amateurs. This ( Model T) requirement has been modified if one is using only Phone. Still there are the CW zealots.

Is amateur radio dying out?

No, it is not dying out. in fact, with the growth of the Internet, it has become accessible to a wider range of people and the opposite is in fact true. it has even become incredibly easy to set up. all you need is radio automation software (Eg. Mixxx), Lame Encoder, and a server. just go to caster beta and you will find all the instructions, and its all free. it is now only costing people as much as the Internet costs to stream it all. In my opinion, Amateur radio is fading because of the Internet, and other forms of communication that do not require a license. The simple truth is that the only fading is with appliance operators, glorified CB users with a license. Those numbers are fading, but not fast enough. The true radio amateur is an operator for life. There is much more to amateur radio than simple talk. Streaming over the Internet is not amateur radio, even though many use it. When conditions warrant, you will see the true amateur radio operators handling emergency communication, supplementing our local government emergency communication's. The internet will not be anywhere in site when that happens.

Why does the FCC have an amateur radio service?

Answer #1: When radio hobbyist first began to design radio communication equipment and modes, most people did not understand and thought that the hobbyist were just showing off some misunderstood skills, and were just 'hamming it up'. In fact many innovations in telecommunications were invented by radio amateurs.================================Answer #2: During 58 years as a licensed amateur radio operator, all of the articles I've ever read on the subject agree on one thing ... that nobody really knows that answer..

How can you listen and talk to police on your Ham radio in case of emergency?

With a standard Amateur license, you have no authorization to operate outside of the amateur frequency bands, and if you're using commercial type-accepted ham equipment, it won't operate outside of those bands anyway. Public Safety radio services don't operate in the amateur frequency bands. You can listen to them any time, with a 'scanner' that covers the police bands, but you can't talk to them. If you have a special license and different equipment, or if the local police want to acquire ham equipment to use in emergencies, then that's a different story.

How do you start amateur radio?

start off with an internet radio station. use caster beta, download the software it tells you to download, (although keep in mind SAM BROADCASTER is expensive, hard to run, and is outdated) and you got yourself a radio station. forget about wave radio, you will need a licence and it takes several years education in engineering to be able to pull it off. but did i mention caster beta was free?

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What amateur radio can you use in Australia?

SR-955 is one of the best Amateur radios.

What does amateur mean in amateur radio?

It means radio operations that are done as a hobby, or in the use of public service. Operators cannot (by law) earn money or material reward in any way, for the use of the radio. When we say Amateur radio/ Ham Radio these all sound same. There is very few authentic info about Amateur or HAM names, but i have read from very authentic version "radiosguide". They explain all the philosophy of amateur radio origin.

Can I use my Amateur radio on London's common lands?

As long as it is licenced.

What is 10 meter radio?

The 10-meter band is a portion of the shortwave radio spectrum internationally allocated to amateur radio and amateur satellite use on a primary basis. The band consists of frequencies stretching from 28.000 to 29.700 MHz

How can you use the word amateur in a sentence?

We are not amateurs. We are real professionals.

What is amateure?

The word amateur comes from the Latin "amat" meaning he (or she !) loves. An amateur is a person who does something for the love of it, not because he has to or makes money at it. He is usually knowledgeable, often beyond the level of many professionals; every amateur was a beginner once, but it doesn't last long! -------- Since this question is in amateur radio, the answer should be specific to the "amateur" in "amateur radio." In this case, it means that the amateur radio operator cannot use radio for pay or profit. --------- Amateur radio operators have invented almost every type of electronic communication protocol that has ever been used. They are very good at what they do! Some people confuse amateur radio operators with citizen's band (CB) operators... CB operators are not required to be licensed nor know anything about radio communication... where-as, amateur radio operators must pass a Federal Government written test about electronics, radio control and operation, along with the rules and regulations set forth by the FCC. Amateur radio operators are the 'professionals' in non-paid electronic communications, electronic and satellite development and emergency communication.

Who may purchase amateur radio equipment?

Anyone can purchase amataeur radio equipment - HOWEVER - in order to use it legally you MUST be licenced !

What non-profit organization is made up of worldwide ham radio operators that use their own membership-supported satellites?

Amateur Radio.

Who may purchase amateur radio equipment list the rule?

Anyone can purchase amateur radio equipment, and use it to listen to anyone who is transmitting on the frequencies the receiver is capable of tuning into - HOWEVER you MUST have a valid licence in order to transmit.

Is Ham radio and amateur radio is same?

Yes Ham Radio and Amateur Radio are same. Amateur and Ham radio operators use two-way radio stations from their homes, cars, boats and outdoors to make hundreds of friends around town and around the world. They communicate with each other using voice, computers, and Morse code. Some hams bounce their signals off the upper regions of the atmosphere, so they can talk with hams on the other side of the world. Other hams use satellites. Many use hand-held radios that fit in their pockets.

What is the best things that you can conclude about amateur radio?

its kinda boring/useless as you are not supposed to use it for entertainment purposes

Can you use a capacitor for a mobile CB linear?

No! CB power amps are very unlawful, and they can interfere with legal radio communications. (Like Amateur Radio)