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As a military term. There use to be people known ar archers - those who shot arrows at the opposing army. Archers kept a supply of arrows, some of these were the finest iron tipped shafts made by a real fletcher with real feathers to provide angular torque to keep them straight in flight (these were the best). Most of the arrows in an archers quiver however were the mass produced, low quality shafts, some just twigs broken off of near-by trees. When the archers started shooting they would use the low quality arrows first as the opposing army was still far away and the possibility of actually hitting anyone was low. As the opposing army got nearer however (as in a charge) the archer got a little more concerned about their own safety and began using the better arrows to ensure better accuracy and kill power. Therefore master archers were in the habit of instructing their students 'save the best for last.'

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Q: What is meaning of Save the best for last?
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When was Save the Best for Last created?

Save the Best for Last was created on 1992-01-14.

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I think what you mean is "Save the best for last" if so then its Vanessa Williams.

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Some advantages of being last are that you will always get to participate or perform last. Always save best for last.

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That's not exactly an easy question to answer because that all depends on the person, the family, friends and so on. For me it would be the person I care about the most, they say to save the best for last and if it where me, I'd save the best for last. It's nice to have the last memory as a good one.

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A Different World - 1987 Save the Best for Last Part 2 5-25 was released on: USA: 21 May 1992

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A Different World - 1987 Save the Best for Last Part 1 5-24 was released on: USA: 14 May 1992

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Is save the best for last considered a put down?

No, the phrase "save the best for last" is typically used in a positive context to imply that something good or enjoyable is being saved for the end. It is not usually considered a put-down.

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The Hindi meaning of "save" is "बचाना" (bachana).

How do you say save your best wish for last in spanish?

Salve su mejor deseo al último

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Save the Best for Last- Vanessa Williams

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