This is an automated message from some cell phone providers such as AT&T, Cingular and several others that lets the caller know that the number they are trying to reach is either out of service range (in an area without coverage), disconnected, or temporarily unreachable for another reason. If you're sure you're dialing the right number and you know the person hasn't changed their number, try calling back at a later time. (Source): AT&T Wireless
Most people in the US have a cell phone.
If you get that kind of error, try these below steps: - Click Start, right- click My Computer, click Properties. - Click the Hardware tab, and then click Device Manager. - In the Device Manager tab, find Other devices. There probably will have the name of your cell phone. Good luck.
apiril 3,1973
That's private. She doesn't give out her personal cell phone number!
cell phone is out of minutes or out of service,
It is when your phone doesn't has enough memory.
It means this mobile number is no longer in service.
PPS 6180 refers to the Public Protection Classification (PPC) system used by the Insurance Services Office (ISO) to evaluate a community's fire protection capabilities. The classification can impact property insurance rates. Cell phones do not have a direct correlation to PPS 6180, as it is primarily focused on fire protection services within a community.
It means she let you buy her lunch and gave you the wrong number! :(
This is an automated message from some cell phone providers such as AT&T, Cingular and several others that lets the caller know that the number they are trying to reach is either out of service range (in an area without coverage), disconnected, or temporarily unreachable for another reason. If you're sure you're dialing the right number and you know the person hasn't changed their number, try calling back at a later time. (Source): AT&T Wireless
Your call cannot be completed. Either your phones cut off, mucked up, or just plain malfunctioning.
buddy didnt pay the cell phone bill so they cut it off.
Generally, no they cannot receive text messages. However, if you received that message due to the phone being out of range, the cell phone user will be able to receive it once they are back in range (service area). Otherwise, if the phone has been disconnected or temporarily suspended it will not get through. Some prepaid phones will be able to still receive texts but cannot open it or download message content until their phone bill is paid/reloaded.About PPS 6180 message:This is an automated message from some cell phone providers such as AT&T, Cingular and several others that lets the caller know that the number they are trying to reach is either out of service range (in an area without coverage), disconnected, or temporarily unreachable for another reason.If you're sure you're dialing the right number and you know the person hasn't changed their number, try calling back at a later time.(Source): AT&T Wireless
Distracted driving laws have been enacted mainly to address driver distraction and error caused by using a cell phone when they are driving. Many states have primary enforcement authority, meaning an officer does not need another reason to pull a driver over if they are using a cell phone. Laws that ban texting were also enacted.
Distracted driving laws have been enacted mainly to address driver distraction and error caused by using a cell phone when they are driving. Many states have primary enforcement authority, meaning an officer does not need another reason to pull a driver over if they are using a cell phone. Laws that ban texting were also enacted.
Yes It Is Possible Something could be wrong with your phone or there could be a signal error