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The Saxophone is easier by far. The violin requires precise fingering on strings that have no guides to show you where to place your fingers. On the saxophone, you simply hold down the correct combination of buttons to produce a specific pitch. That is the main reason the sax is easier than the violin.

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Q: What is easier to learn the violin or the saxophone?
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Which is a woodwind instrument a drum saxophone or a violin?

Of a drum, violin or saxophone, which is a woodwind instrument?

I'm an experienced cello player so how difficult is it to learn the saxophone?

The saxophone is an medium instrument to learn but because you have a back ground in the Cello the Saxophone will be a little easier. The only hard thing about learning the Saxophone is the mouth position and playing the notes.

Should you learn to play the piano or violin?

piano is a easier instument

Which instruments can Justin not play?

saxophone flute clarinet violin

What instrument is played with both hand and feet?

flute, clarinet, saxophone, barritone saxophone, tennor saxophone, bass clarinet trombone, slide trumpet, percussion, violin, viola, cello, bass, counter bass, guitar, sitar, electric guitar, bass, violin, cello, violabass, etc

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Which is a woodwind instrument a drum saxophone or a violin?

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I'm an experienced cello player so how difficult is it to learn the saxophone?

The saxophone is an medium instrument to learn but because you have a back ground in the Cello the Saxophone will be a little easier. The only hard thing about learning the Saxophone is the mouth position and playing the notes.

Should you learn to play the piano or violin?

piano is a easier instument

What are the differences between a violin and a saxophone?

Well, first of all the violin is a string instrument while the saxophone is a wood wind instrument because it has a reed. Second, the violin is played with a bow (arco) or sometimes plucked (pizzicato), while the saxophone is played by the player blowing air into a mouth piece. Last, the Violin is an orchestral instrument while the saxophone is a band instrument. There are many other reasons as to what makes these instruments different, but these are a start...

Which instruments can Justin not play?

saxophone flute clarinet violin

Do you have to learn the clarinet to play the saxophone?

no, you can learn the saxophone without knowing the clarinet

What does a saxophone had inside it?

Learn English - What does a saxophone have inside it?Answer - it is hollow - there is nothing inside a saxophone

Which is easier the clarinet or saxophone?

Clarinet is way easier.

What instrument is played with both hand and feet?

flute, clarinet, saxophone, barritone saxophone, tennor saxophone, bass clarinet trombone, slide trumpet, percussion, violin, viola, cello, bass, counter bass, guitar, sitar, electric guitar, bass, violin, cello, violabass, etc

How are saxophones and clarinets related?

The clarinet is a million times easier than the saxophone in every aspect. First because clarinet is just like piano where the notes are very easy. But on saxophone there are extra flats and sharps, you have to study things that you don't have to on clarinet, you need more air for saxophone, and the saxophone is very heavy! On clarinet you learn how to play all the notes in less than a month. If you play saxophone you learn the notes in more than 5 months! The saxophone is a lot harder! If you play saxophone, you need to layer your fingering more precisely too. Also they are tuned differently too. So if you play in a concert, the notes you play will be very confusing on the saxophone. Also the clarinet is very light. So it will be very easy to play clarinet than saxophone. So for my opinion clarinet is easier. People out there who think sax is easier, you are wrong. Clarinet is a million times easier than the saxophone in every aspect. Also for saxophone you need more air for blowing. You get tired more easily too. I admit clarinet squeaks a lot. But once you get used to it, you will stop squeaking. People out there who think sax is easier, you are wrong. Clarinet is much easier than the saxophone. Also for saxophone you need more air for blowing. You get tired more easily too. I admit clarinet squeaks a lot. But once you get used to it, you will stop squeaking. I play clarinet and saxophone and I can't keep up with saxophone. So please when you consider on choosing your instrument between clarinet and saxophone, choose clarinet.