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Atempo means back to the original tempo

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Q: What is atempo in music notation?
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Related questions

When was Atempo created?

Atempo was created in 1992.

What is the population of Atempo?

Atempo's population is 350.

What is music notation?

Musical notation is literally music notes $$$$&$$$&

What is staff notation?

Staff Notation is a music notation like quotation marks except used in music not writing. It is with the five lines going down.

Who discovered music notations?

Music notation is not a discovery, but a development. Or rather, calling music notation a discovery is akin to calling the English language a discovery, or an architect the discoverer of a building, or an artist the discoverer of a painting. There have been many different forms of music notation throughout history, so it's hard to say who first started using music notation.

What is graphic notation?

Musical graphic notation is a form of music notation which refers to the use of non-traditional symbols and text to convey information about the performance of a piece of music. It is used for experimental music , which in many cases is difficult to notate using standard notation.

What definition fits the term music notation?

Largo is a tempo marking for slow. It typically means a bpm of 40-60.

What has the author John Leon Acheson written?

John Leon Acheson has written: 'A Douzave system of music notation, comprising a Syllabus of a Douzave system of music notation and book II.: A study in the Douzave system of music notation' -- subject(s): Musical notation

What are signs and symbols that graphically represent music called?

Music notation.

Why do you use western notation to write your music down?

we use it to find out information by western people and then write down our music

What is the word very in music notation?


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