Gregorian chant with mainly 2-4 notes per syllable is called "neumatic" ("Syllabic" if the chant is primarily one syllable per note and "melismatic" for chant primarily with more than 4 notes per syllable.)
Jim Jordan, DMA
Gregorian Chant Specialist
Paraclete Press
1-800-451-5006, ext. 335
Facebook: Gregorian chant is For everyone: Getting started/Learning more
He used the 13th century hym named the "Dies Irae" (day of wrath). This is a medevil latin poem sung in plainchant, characterised by its heavy accents and the part of the melody in which descending thirds are used. Many composers including Berlioz used this as a theme in their symphonies.
There are 8 notes in an octave.
There are 4 different notes.
Two half notes equal one whole notes.
6 sixteenth notes
it is called a melismaI think that you are looking for Neume
"Its" has one syllable.
one syllable
There is 1 syllable.
In the word "the", there is one syllable.
it has one syllable
There is 1 syllable
There is 1 syllable.
The word "to" has one syllable.
one syllable--and syllable is missing an "s". You should say "How many syllables is winked?"
Mean has only 1 syllable.
One syllable