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A school permit is a driver's permit for a young person who can only use it so that he or she may drive to SCHOOL ONLY. In some states, the legal age for obtaining a driver's license is 16, 17 or 18. If you are 14 or 15 years old, your state may issue a school permit so that you may be able to drive yourself to school. A parent or sibling are USUALLY the only other passengers allowed to ride in the same vehicle, with you as the driver.

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Q: What is a school permit?
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Do you have to have a permit before attending driver's school?

No you get the permit at drivers school.

Can a person with a school permit drive home another person from school without a school permit?

A driver with a permit can only drive if someone with a license is in the car.

Can a person that has a provisional permit do traffic school?

Can a person that has a provisional (temporary) permit do traffic school? If one has a permit, one would think, they would be qualified to teach traffic school.

Can you drop out of school at 16 and still get a driving permit?

yes getting your license or permit has nothing to do with being in school.

When can you get a working permit at your school?

ask your school counselor.

Iowa school permit?

Generally, Iowa schools allow students who have had their driving permit for over 6 months and have taken Drivers Ed to get a school permit. This allows the student to drive on a direct route to and from school and to and from school sports/activities.

What does furnish a work permit mean?

To furnish a work permit you must, visit your school counselor and ask for a work permit. Your counselor will help you. The permit will need to be signed by both school and work. The work will then file it.

Can you drive to a football game on a school permit?

If you are alleging that you have a permit valid ONLY for driving to and from school - then NO. You may only drive to and from school for educational purposes, NOT for extra-curricular activities. I am not familiar with such a permit but if you have one, it is to further your EDUCATION NOT YOUR SOCIAL LIFE.

Can you drive to school with a permit and park there in Florida?

You cannot drive anywhere "solo" on a learner's permit, school or otherwise. Just going to school does not circumvent the laws for anyone.

Can a 15-year-old get a work permit?

Check their school office. If they're enrolled in a school, they'll need a school permit to work.

Where can i get a work permit in Cleveland Ohio?

Your local school district will issue you a work permit.

Can you drive alone with a permit to school?

In most states, you cannot drive alone with a permit to school. You usually need a licensed adult over 21 with you.