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It could be an aria, a cantata, a song.

Searching on the word suite doesn't bring up anything vocal. In the 17th century a suite was a set of interrelated pieces for a solo instrument or an orchestra. Bach wrote suites for cello, for violin, for keyboard and for orchestra. A suite could also be a selection of pieces from a larger work, like Handel's Water Music Suite, made of pieces from a large set he wrote to be played as his King's barge floated down the Thames, or his Suite from the Music For The Royal Fireworks.

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Q: What is a 17th-century solo vocal piece of music called?
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A 17th century solo vocal piece of music was called a suite.?


Is vocal a noun?

Yes, the word 'vocal' is a noun; a word for a piece of music that is sung; a word for a performance of such a piece of music.The noun form for the adjective vocal is vocality or vocalness.

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Vocal tone is the timbre of the sound. As in, how sweet, raspy, fluid, etc. it is.

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Is a 17th-century solo vocal piece called a suite?


Musical piece to be played and not sung?

We sing songs and we play musical pieces. A song may be accompanied by musical instruments or can be sung in an a cappella form , but composed music without vocal is not a song. Music without vocal may be referred to as a musical piece or a number.

Is it true that a 17th century Solo Vocal Piece Of Music Was Called A Suit?

No. A Suite (with an 'e' at the end, pronounced 'sweet') was a set of short musical pieces, often as dance music and often written in the same key.

What is the difference between vocal music and instrumental music?

Vocal music is coming from the voice while instrumental music is coming from the instrument. As a result, vocal music can have words while instrumental music cannot.

What is the difference between vocal and instrumental?

Vocal music is coming from the voice while instrumental music is coming from the instrument. As a result, vocal music can have words while instrumental music cannot.