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Slim but muscular.

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Q: What is Justin Bieber's body type?
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What is Justin biebers body gard called?


What is Justin biebere's bodygaurd called?

justin biebers body guard's name is Kenny Hamilton

Who is Justin Biebers mannager?

Justin biebers manger is scooter braun

Is Justin Biebers mom in jail?

Did Justin Biebers mum go too jail? no

Is Justin Biebers mentor Justin Timberlake?


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What type is Justin biebers dog?

It is a Papillion

What is Justin biebers body gard called?


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What is Justin Biebers favorite type of a dog?

a pomeranian

What part of Justin biebers body has he broken twice?

His brain.

Who are Justin Bieber's manager and body gard?

justin drew biebers body gard is called kenny hamiton

How can you get Justin Bieber identification?

go on the inter net and type in what is Justin biebers identification

What is Justin Biebers favorite type of gum?

double bubble

What is Justin biebere's bodygaurd called?

justin biebers body guard's name is Kenny Hamilton

What type of dog is justin biebers dog?

A brown and white papillion

What type of cancer does Justin biebers mom have?

His mom doesnt have cancer

Who is Justin Biebers mannager?

Justin biebers manger is scooter braun