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on YouTube he sed that it starts of with 2585 and that's all he said because he cant rememer ther rest! i was gutted when he couldn't remember the rest!

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

hi this is aston, i have 2 blackberrys so add them its 211599B0 and 229837AF,

i will try and add you, good luck

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Q: What is Aston merrygolds bb pin?
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What color is Aston merrygolds eyes?

Aston merrygolds eyes are brown.

Who are Aston Merrygolds mum and dad?


What band is Aston Merrygolds in?

JLS :)

What is Aston out of jls's phonenumber?

Aston merrygolds phone number ..... 07531052194

What month is Aston Merrygolds?

13th of february

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What is aston merrygolds blackberry messenger pin?

It starts with 2585 but he couldn't remember the rest

What color is Aston merrygolds eyes?

Aston merrygolds eyes are brown.

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JLS :)

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Aston merrygolds phone number ..... 07531052194

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