Traditionally, the Concertmaster (usually the first chair violinist) tunes his violin to a known standard pitch like A-440 and then the other orchestral instruments tune to his or her pitch. Sometimes, an oboist provides the pitch tone for tuning.
The Oboe is used more frequently because its sound penetrates easier to all players of the orchestra.
A standard symphony orchestra can tune to three different members: the principal oboe, the concertmaster, or the solo pianist. The oboist is used to tune whenever there is an oboe in the orchestra, the concertmaster is used whenever there isn't an oboe, and the pianist/keyboardist will play the tuning note if he or she is the soloist for the evening.
The instrument used in the Doctor Who theme tune is the theremin.
The violin is the highest instrument in a string orchestra. The violins are divided into two sections (1st violins and 2nd violins), the 1st violins usually play the tune and play higher than the 2nd violins. However, the piccolo is the highest instrument in a full orchestra. The difference between a string orchestra and a full orchestra is that the string orchestra has only stringed instruments while a full orchestra has strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion.
A viola is a string instrument, not a percussion instrument, and therefore it is used in an orchestra.
A standard symphony orchestra can tune to three different members: the principal oboe, the concertmaster, or the solo pianist. The oboist is used to tune whenever there is an oboe in the orchestra, the concertmaster is used whenever there isn't an oboe, and the pianist/keyboardist will play the tuning note if he or she is the soloist for the evening.
The instrument used in the Doctor Who theme tune is the theremin.
No it's an orchestra so string and trumpets precision etc
The violin is the highest instrument in a string orchestra. The violins are divided into two sections (1st violins and 2nd violins), the 1st violins usually play the tune and play higher than the 2nd violins. However, the piccolo is the highest instrument in a full orchestra. The difference between a string orchestra and a full orchestra is that the string orchestra has only stringed instruments while a full orchestra has strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion.
A viola is a string instrument, not a percussion instrument, and therefore it is used in an orchestra.
It's the violin, piano is rarely used in orchestra pieces.
the oboe is used in about all categories of of musical groups...even in marching bands. and yes, oboes are in the orchestra, and band as well.
Usually a pitchfork tuned to A (440 Hz). In an Orchestra the insturments will all tune to the lead violinist or the piano
The violin is the smallest stringed instrument in an orchestra.
The instrument in an orchestra that has the highest pitch is the violin.
The most common reason given is that the oboe is the most difficult to tune and always is tuned to because is piercing and loud. This reason is actually false. The reason the oboe tunes the orchestra is because when orchestras started to develop during Handel's time, the oboe was the most common instrument in the orchestra. It was easier to tune to the oboes since there was so many of them.