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If you swallow a guitar pick you may pass it without issue or you may share in my experience.

For reasons unimportant to this answer, I swallowed a guitar pick when I was in class during 8th grade. The pick was grooved from being run up and down the strings. It stuck in my throat and interferred with my breathing until a classmate helped dislodge it with the Heimlich manuever. I was able to breathe, but the pick remained stuck in my throat. I was taken to the ER. The doctors there couldn't extract it as my gag reflex kept causing me to throw up. They admitted me to the hospital and the next morning, doctors put me under and extracted the pick. I asked them to send it back to me. It went in black and came out white. I was 13 when it happened and today at 47 I still get comments about it.

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Is there any software to create and print guitar pick graphics?

There is an online guitar pick designer at, that allows you to create a custom guitar pick and then order it online from their website.

What pick does an electric guitar use?

An electic guitar can use any pick, as a acoustic guitar can use. If you want to strum you want a flismy pick, or a small size. And if you want to pick the notes your going to want to have a hard pick, or a large.

How a guitar was named?

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Do you have to use a guitar pick when learning guitar?

No i ate mine.

What is the plastic plate between the strings and the body on a guitar?

It is the pick guard. It keeps your pick from scratching the guitar's surface.

What is a guitar scrathboard for?

This is actually called a pick guard and its purpose is to protect the guitar's finish because when people play the guitar with a pick, they may unintentionally scratch the body of the guitar. Also, it is decorative.

How do you install pick-up covers for guitar?

it determines on what kind of guitar you have it determines on what kind of guitar you have

How do you pick vyfster on a guitar?

you can't !

Who invented the first pick for the guitar?

The guitar comes from an Arabic instrument called Oud which is thousands years old and was played with a pick.