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Air Jordan 21(XXI) Shoes Light Graphite&Metallic Silver University Blue

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Q: What grey shoes is chris brown wearing in 'Say Goodbye' video?
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Is Chris Hawkins wearing shoes?

No Chris Hawkins is not wearing shoes.

Does chris brown have 10000 pairs of shoes?

no he does not

What shoes was Chris Brown wearing in the crawl video?

He is wearing Volume Graphite Patent Sneakers by JUMP DELUXE.

What size does Chris Brown wear in shoes?


What color shoes is the president wearing?

Usually black or darn brown.

what is the legal liability to remaining tenant when the other tenant defaults on the lease?

Well depends on the shoes you are wearing. If trainers, then goodbye

What shoes do Chris Brown wear in the backstage freeze video?

good ones

What does Chris Brown spend his money on that is expensive?

Chris Brown spends all his money on boxers and nike shoes, since he wears a new pair of boxers everyday

What colour shoes black or brown do you wear when wearing grey pants?

definitely black! :)

How does Chris know that Sydelle is not the person he sees through his binoculars westing game?

Chris realizes that Sydelle is not the person he sees through his binoculars in The Westing Game because she was wearing a mismatched pair of shoes. This detail distinguishes her from the woman he saw, who was wearing a matching pair of shoes.

Why was Chris sure that Sydell was not the person he had seen through his binoculars in the westing game?

Chris was able to confirm that Sydelle Pulaski was not the person he had seen because she was wearing mismatched shoes, which didn't match the description of the fancy shoes that the woman he saw was wearing. Additionally, Sydelle had an injury that affected her walking style, further proving she was not the person that Chris had seen.

Is Chris Brown favorite body part is eyes?

no it is his feet cuz he loves picking out shoes