Russy is in his 1st year of high school! And Diggy is in his 3rd year... So.. Ninth and 11th
From oldest to youngest: -Vanessa Simmons -Angela Simmons -Joseph "Jojo" Simmons Jr. -Daniel "Diggy" Simmons III -Russell "Russy" Simmons II -Victoria Simmons (She died shortly after being born) -Miley Simmons
Diggy Simmons is a sophomore now.
diggy's real name is Daniel Dwayne Simmons III
Russy Simmons is not currently dating anyone. Russy Simmons is the son of rapper Rev Run from the group Run DMC.
diggy and russy simmons are both cute you cant just choose one without the other because they look like each other
Queens, New York
no they are bothers they love each others ver much
Diggy with braces russy when diggy doesnt have braces
he is going to grade 8
Diggy Simmons is a sophomore now.
From oldest to youngest: -Vanessa Simmons -Angela Simmons -Joseph "Jojo" Simmons Jr. -Daniel "Diggy" Simmons III -Russell "Russy" Simmons II -Victoria Simmons (She died shortly after being born) -Miley Simmons
His name is Russel Simmons but they call him Russy because he was named after his uncle Russell.
Yes they do however they do not have the same mother as russy and diggy.
Diggy is now in the 11th grade. (2011)
He has 2 brothers russy and Jojo but Jojo is his step brother Jojo Vanessa and Angela are sister brother the came from rev runs ex wife