The cross swords represent military mightiness. If the cross swords pointing downward, it symbolizes resting. If the cross swords are pointing up, it symbolizes a time of war or conflict.
If you are reading tea leaves, crossed swords translate as "strategic action is require".
AnswerThe cross is a symbol of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in 30-33 A.D. It is widely used as a symbol of Christian faith, in churches, Christian organizations, and as a personal ornament.A crucifix is a cross with the figure of Jesus Christ on it. It is widely used in Catholic and Lutheran circles.According to The Bible, Christ died on the cross to save us, taking our punishment by dying on the cross. Paul writes in Colossians 1:20 that Christ made peace "through his blood, shed on the cross."There are many examples of the symbolism of the cross in history and in art. The Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant churches have used it as a symbol in many different ways. Certain Calvinist churches, such as the Pilgrim fathers and the first Puritans in America, have refrained from using the cross, feeling that such symbolism detracts from the true worship of God.
you have to find the key with the plus and equals symbol. Then push the shift key and the plus/equals key. The "cross" should show up. Plus (+) equals (=). The plus should be above the equals.
Because they taste good.We eat hot cross buns as they have the symbol of the cross on them to represent Jesus Christ dying on the cross for all of human kind. Also yes they do taste good. :)
quite simply that symbol is the symbol for breaking Benjamin, so it means breaking Benjamin
Symbol means something that stands for something else. Hope this helped!!
Cross a Street Cross your Heart Cross Swords
In Christianity the cross is a symbol for Jesus and the dove is a symbol for the Holy Spirit.
As long as ur opponent is over the age of consent. Cross away.... Swords... Cross swords
Cross of Merit with Swords - Poland - was created on 1942-10-19.
This is traditionally a religeous symbol as the cross tipically represents christ.
It's what you get when you cross the "R" and the "A" with the "T" in "UNDERTAKER"
"Holy cross" or "saint cross" meaning the Christian symbol of the crucifixion of Christ.
It can be either irregular or regular depending on which cross you mean. A cross as in the X symbol is regular, as is the + (plus) sign. The traditional cross associated with Christianity is not
The Ankh, the Egyptian cross with a looped top, is a symbol of life. This does not mean that is how the person with the tattoo interprets it. When in doubt, ask.
There is no way to answer your question unless you tell us what the symbol is. Do you mean a cross? Or perhaps a fish symbol? Please clarify your question.
The Cross of Tau, named after the Greek letter it resembles, is a form of the Christian cross symbol. It is also variously St. Anthony's Cross, Old Testament Cross, Anticipatory Cross, Cross Commissee, Egyptian Cross, Advent Cross, Croce taumata, Saint Francis's Cross, Crux Commissa. For more information, click on this link.