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colors in punk/skin/psycho culture are an indicator more often of personal beliefs rather than a gang. if some one is in a gang it will either be writen on their jacket (cut) or on their skin.

these colors vary with different groups in different regions, and can be transposed to bananas, laces, braces, shirts, flannels etc. also keep in mind that some colors are common ( i.e. black boot laces, or red bandannas) and may only be being worn for fashion.

red= communism/spilled blood in the race war/cop killer

blue=cop killer/cop hater

green=drugs/green politics/veganism

white=white power/white purity/peace

black=anarchism/riot rag/veganism

yellow=homosexual/scene poser/

orange=homosexual/scene poser/? no offence to gay people, they are

purple=homosexual/scene poser/? usually just trying to wear something

neon=homosexual/scene poser/? different, posers do it to look cool

again these vary between groups and regions and can be worn without any meaning at all.

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Q: What does the red bandana mean in the punk subculture?
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Are the Red Hot Chili Peppers Punk Rock?

they play a mixture of Punk Rock, Funk, Rock, Reggae, Psychedelic Rock, Rap Rock.

What kind of music does red hot chili peppers play?

The Red Hot Chili Peppers have blended several musical styles in order to create a unique sound. Their music is influenced by rock, punk, funk, and rap. Over the years the punk and rap influence has been toned down, and much of their music resembles more traditional rock, or funk-rock.

Is Chris Brown bloodz? he singing the ONE BLOOD hook with game also i think he is, just cause you in a gang don't mean you gotta kill everybody and sell drugs, it means you part of a gang and that's it

How do you get the punk look but not look emo?

You can get the punk look but not look emo by not just wearing the black or red but adding some other colors like pink into the outfit. Then you don't get the full effect of being emo, but punk. You can also achieve this look by wearing anything that's not black but stuff that is black. I hope my answer helped but if you need more i will check on the question again. There is not such thing as a punk look. It is a state of mind and your clothing choices should only be limited by your immagination, not fear of being labeled emo, or something like that. Plus, emo and punk really have nothing to do with each other. Another answer: Since emo has nothing to do with punk, its not exactly difficult, unless youre an emo, in which case stop trying to be punk i wouldn't even try emos are rediculous. And think they can take us over. so don''t. Punk is not a freakin fashion statement. == It's not hard to look punk unless your trying too hard. If you have money to throw around look in Hot Topic. If not, you could always look in thrift stores. That's what punk is being about. Not worrying about labels like it said earlier, and being creative with your style. Because you wear black doesnt make you punk or emo, its black. The best way I can put this, is to try to find your own style and not worry whats in style. emo came from punk, just dress who you are dressed but just don't have all the emo music rubbish on them, n D.I.Y clothes, just search punk fashion on Google, they should have loads of things

What kind of makeup does a punk where?

Black eyeliner, black mascara, black or neon colored eye shadow, and white cover up. sometimes black or blood red lip stick as well.

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A red bandana in the left back pocket means the person is looking to "fist" as a top.

What does wearing a red bandana mean?

red bandana can get you affiliated with a known gang called the Bloods.or a Mexican gang known as Norteños.(not a good idea to wear one.)

When was Red Bandana created?

Red Bandana was created on 1979-03-18.

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Wearing a white bandana can symbolize solidarity or peace, while holding a red bandana can represent strength or courage. Together, the combination may signify a call for unity and resilience in the face of challenges.

What does wearing a Bandana on the right side mean?

Wearing a red Bandana on the right side shows your affiliation with a Blood gang set. Wearing a bandana is called flagging, and the meaning depends on the color. See

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It means the person Shaves his/her pubic hair. In other words a "Bald Eagle"

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Putting a scarf or a bandana on a dog could just mean the dog drools alot. If a dog is dangerous im sure that the owner should know that it is in it best bet not to bring the dog out in public.

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There is not a specific meaning for a red bandana. This color bandana however is associated with some gangs and worn to show membership.

What does a red bandana symbolize?

Where I'm from if you wear a red bandana on the right side of your body means your a member of the Bloods. It's fine to wear on your head or around your neck... i always wear one around my neck.

How did term redneck originate?

from miners who wore red neck "bandana's. They were protesting mining conditions.