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it usually means to slide from one fret to another

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Q: What does s mean on a guitar tab?
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What does Tab Knapping mean?

it means to tab knapp a guitar.

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What does a tab mean in music terms?

Tab is a form of music that many guitar players read.

What does e mean on a guitar tab?

This indicates the string E either high or low.

Where could one find more information on a guitar pro tab?

Guitar pro tab information can be found in a variety of places. The best place to look for Guitar Pro Tab is a store like Guitar Super Centers. They carry a lot of guitar products.

What has the author Yves Roy written?

Yves Roy has written: 'Guitar tab chords' -- subject(s): Chord diagrams, Guitar, Methods, Self-instruction

What does p0h mean on a guitar tab?

if on a tab it says 3 |---2p0h3----| |----3--4--2-3| its saying play tab 2 pull off open string hammer on 3

How can you get the guitar to show up in power tab?

If i understood you right you press the red guitar icon in the tab at the left top.

What is guitar pro or power tab in ulimate guitar com?

They are both programs you can download which show the guitar tab and play the tab around the same speed as the actual song, making the song easier to learn since you know when to play which note.

What is PM in guitar TAB?

Palm mute

What does 4 s on a s mean?

4 strings on a Bass Guitar.

On a guitar tab it has 2 with two slash marks after it is that a typo or what does it mean?

Probably just means another symbol for a slide :)