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It means that your license suspension has no assigned end, at this time. The suspension will continue until the suspending authority -- the court or the DMV -- decides to reinstate your license. This is typical of continued offenders of traffic laws (e.g. speeding/DLS/DUI). It may be that there is a set schedule for them to review the suspension, or there may be some action you need to take to resolve the suspension. Your best bet is to contact the DMV and talk with them.

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Q: What does it mean when your license is suspended indefinite?
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That all depends on why your license was suspended. Without knowing why your license was suspended, there is no means of determining what you need to do to get it back.


No. A suspended license is suspended in all states.

Can suspended license in Nevada drive in Florida?

No. A suspended license is suspended in all states and territories of the US.

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Your driver's license will not be suspended in Pennsylvania if you have a suspended registration. A driver's license can be suspended for driving without insurance or if you get a DUI.

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Yes. If your licence is suspended in your home state, it is suspended in ALL states.

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if you mean on the streets then no. you cant