I think it means buttsex. Buns out (butt) weiner (you should know what weiner is). I'm probably wrong.
On Idol, it says that all the Top 12 were given free iPhones, which means David too. Now he has a Blackberry flip phone.
The best way to learn how to do this is to find your phone on Straight Talk's Phone page, and then click "Learn More". This will take you to a page where you can learn more about putting music on your phone. For my phone, this information falls under "MP3 Player".
Yves Saint Lauren
It means that the phone is switched off.
you need to charge it
searching for service or out of range
They are out of service
He wants to plow you
I presume the phone you refer to, is an internet phone. The device should come with a driver CD. Some have the software built in. If you have no driver CD, you may have to go online to the maker of your phone and download the correct driver.
reply. say no, i love you. you mean everything to me. i don't want you to be hurt.
You should probably call your cell-phone company.. On a different phone of course. :)
It means that the network is down.
yah of course !