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Symptoms of cirrhosis are usually caused by the loss of functioning liver cells or organ swelling due to scarring.

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Related questions

Why does ice not feel cold when you have cirrhosis?

Cirrhosis can damage nerve endings, which may affect the perception of temperature. This can cause ice not to feel as cold as it normally would.

What causes pigment cirrhosis?

Disorders like the inability to metabolize iron and similar disorders may cause pigment cirrhosis

How do you pronounce Cirrhosis?

Like this: sir-row-sis.

What research has been done on cirrhosis?

In 2001, research scientists identified the protein segment and method in which excess tissue grows in diseases like cirrhosis.

How do you get cross infection from cirrhosis of the liver?

Cirrhosis is scarring of the liver. Although it may be caused by infectious disease like hepatitis, it is not, in itself, infectious or contagious.

What is compensated cirrhosis?

It is cirrhosis without any symptoms

How do you know how bad cirrhosis of liver is?

Cirrhosis is the final stage of liver disease (before death). There is only one level of cirrhosis, which is "bad", since cirrhosis is progressive and non-reverisble. The stage before cirrhosis is called "fibrosis", which you could classify is "not as bad".

Can artichokes heal cirrhosis?

Once a liver has developed cirrhosis, there is no way to reverse the damage. The only "cure" for cirrhosis is liver transplant.

What Is a chronic degenerative disease of the liver characterized by scarring?


How common is Biliary cirrhosis?

It represents 15-20% of all cirrhosis

When was Cirrhosis of the Louvre created?

Cirrhosis of the Louvre was created on 1966-03-09.

Would a abdominal ct with contrast show liver disease or cirrhosis?
