This means that you were driving recklessly or carelessly. It usually doesn't have a set fine but is up to the judge to decide how you should be fined and penalized.
it's about him being bullied as a kid at school and how they were well...thoughtless. they didnt care how it effected him and in return it made Jonathan want to get revenge and do to them what they did to him.
you care bout him
I'm very sure that he cares. That would be very rude and mean if he didn't And also, On the VMA'S he gave her a nice shoutout about her being in the hospital.
Police are a uniformed, civilian branch of the judiciary of a country charged with enforcing the laws of a country and empowered to make an arrest.
When things get tough, or when he is sad he's asking will you be there to look after me and care for me.
"Solicitous" means showing care, concern, or attention towards someone or something. It implies being attentive and considerate to the needs or well-being of others.
No, caution does not refer to positive charge. Caution is a term used to describe care or attention taken to avoid danger or mistakes. The term "positive charge" is used in the context of electricity or physics to describe a type of charge carried by protons.
Yes. If you are "charged" it will appear on your record.
watch out, take care or pay attention.
Ah, being charged with safekeeping means you have been entrusted with the important task of taking care of something valuable or precious. It's like being a guardian or protector, making sure that whatever is in your care is kept secure and well-maintained. Remember, it's a sign of trust and responsibility, so embrace it with a gentle heart and a steady hand.
It depends on what you mean, by "breach of care." If you are referring to "Neglect," then, yes, you can be criminally charged.
Care, attention; heed, notice. It can also mean a minister of state
giving someone attention means being respectful , why listening to them
Neglect refers to the failure to provide proper care, support, or attention to someone or something that requires it. This can result in physical, emotional, or developmental harm due to the lack of necessary care or attention.
Care about being concerned or mindful about the concerns of a given person.
Your battery is not being charged
if he is trying 2 get your attention he likes u and flirting but if hes not he is being mean.