everyone sounds different hon. Some might yelp some might just spazz quietly
No, Shakira does not sound like a goat.
They sound like church bells
it sound like a floote. its a long instrument
like a guitar sound!!!
you sound like people are singing with you
Yes. No ejaculation, but a perfectly good orgasm.
YES!! it is like an orgasim in your ears, it is that godlike
it's unknown though but research has shown that they make sounds to communicate & warn!!! just like elephants do... they also make that sound to call a mate and to communicate like said above.
There is no way to describe an orgasm. The best comparison is the feeling of the build up and release after a sneeze.
No it cant its a vegtable orgasim
Ask her :P
Work up to it slowly
About 30 minutes
Sometimes, I always do
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