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That is where you are supposed to take a quick breathe.

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14y ago
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13y ago

An apostrophe in music is just like a rest. When you get to it, you take a breath and start singing the next note. Plus, the apostrophe usually comes after a note. Not before a note. :)

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12y ago

It is basically a rest. It means take a breath and then read the next note.

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Does the plural of see have an apostrophe?

Never. As apostrophes represent ownership or a contraction I do not believe sees has an apostrophe.

When does its have an apostrophe after the s?

"It's" is a contraction of "it is" or "it has," while "its" is a possessive pronoun indicating ownership. The apostrophe is used in "it's" to represent the missing letter in the contraction, while "its" does not have an apostrophe because it is already a possessive form.

Apostrophe at the beginning of a word for slang?

It's not necessarily at the beginning of the word. The apostrophe is used to represent missing letters and spaces in slang words. An example is "y'all"

Why is an apostrophe used in a contraction?

An apostrophe is used in a contraction to represent that letters have been removed. In the word can't the apostrophe is taking the place of the letters "no". In the word don't the apostrophe is also taking the place of the letter "o".

What does the double apostrophe symbol represent in measurement?

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The correct punctuation is '50s music, with the apostrophe before the number to indicate the omission of the letters 19. This follows the standard convention for abbreviating decades.

What are signs and symbols that graphically represent music called?

Music notation.

What takes the place of missing letters in a contraction?

An apostrophe is used to represent missing characters in a contraction.Two examples are: I've for I have : you'refor you are.

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Is 90's or '90s correct?

" '90s " or " 90s " , but never " 90's " , I would suggest. An apostrophe following a noun denotes ownership, or is a shortened form of "-is".Numbers should be treated just like this.e.g.John's gloves are blue.- apostrophe for John; he owns the gloves no apostrophe for "gloves"; there are two of them. The '90s are years in the decade ending -90, so it's a for '90s,I like the music of the '90s.The 90s' music is the best.

How do you use the apostrophe correctly children's music team?

You have used it correctly: children's music team.The children's music team practiced after school.The children's music team won first place at the state fair.She belonged to the children's music team.

What are things that represent Greece?

definitely their music and dancing.